Mexico » Pet Cemetery

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Date Submitter Visbility Remarks
4/28/2014 Lynne Flaherty clear Dive down Dark Side of the Moon. Water was clear and flow was much less than last October.
11/19/2010 ScubaGypsy 100' Did two cave dives here with my wife and guide Etienne Rousseau ( First dive was for 71 mins to Dark Side of The Moon with 36' max depth and 79 F air and water temps. Second dive was 56 minutes to the I Hop Dirty Dog cenote and back with 79 F air and water temps.
3/14/2009 Don Currie 100' Did two dives here, same as Walter. The Blue Abyss dive was amazing. You are swimming along and hit a really tannic shallow section and then all of a sudden there is a pit that drops down to 290'. Dropping down through the halocline was awesome. You are free falling and then all of a sudden, it's like you hit a wall. The salt water just holds you up, so you dump some more air from your wing and you are falling again. Looking down at other below the halocline and up at others above it is just awesome, like something out of a Sci-Fi movie. Getting there was fun as there were a few restrictions. One was easy with a stage going in, but was better if you supermanned the stage on the way out. The second dive to the Dark Side of the Moon was great. The cave was a little less traveled and lower and a little more silty in areas. It was really unique. Photos at Don Currie Photos
3/14/2009 Walter Pickel 100' Did 2 dives at Pet Cemetery today. The first dive was to the Blue Abyss. What an amazing site - a pit from 25' down to 290'. Obviously we didn't go to the bottom. The color of the water once below the halocline was the bluest water I have ever seen.

The second dive was to The Dark Side of the Moon. Very nice dive. It was pretty cool seeing some of the original exploration arrows (Madden/Cedam) in this very seldom traveled passage. I also saw some familiar Florida names on an arrow as well (Mount/Skiles). The owner of Pet Cemetery is spending a lot of time and resources to make this a normal cenote destination. He has built a new platform, graded the road and put in flushing toilets! While we were there, there were 2 trips of people from the cruise ships so it looks like he is getting a good return.
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