Spain » Fuentenavina

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From the road intersection where you leave your car, its a 150m level walk following the dirt path along the spring to the entrance (past a bath-tub !).

GAEM, the local group that explores this cave, has set up some nice benches at the entrance that remind one of the luxuries of Florida and Yucatan.

There is no real basin to speak of here, as the entrance is through a little horizontal fissure in the karst wall. One needs to slide into the cave feet first to get through the horizontal restriction, although two divers can fit side by side through this area. Inevitably the viz in this first little chamber is ruined, but as soon as you turn into the flow it opens up clear in front of you.

The line is well laid, without T
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Latitude: 40.62821
Longitude: -2.03032
Coordinate System:
Maximum Depth: 92'
 Cave Diving
 Cavern Diving
 Open Water Diving
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